Information according to § 5 Digitale-Dienste-Gesetz (DDG)
MiBö Prüfmotorentechnik -Teile GmbH
Walterscheid-Müller-Str. 5
53797 Lohmar
Phone.: +49 (0) 2246 9486850
Fax: +49 (0) 2246 9486852
Authorized representative Managing Director:
Michael Böhnke
Registry Court: Amtsgericht Siegburg
Register number: HRB Nr. 12645
USst-IdNr.: DE292784787
Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 Rundfunkstaatsvertrag (RStV) is:
Michael Böhnke
Exclusion of liability:
1. liability for contents
The content of our website was created with the greatest possible care. However, we do not guarantee that this content is correct, complete, and up to date and also still like. According to § 7 paragraph 1 TMG we are responsible for the content, even if it was ordered. According to § § 8, 9 and 10 TMG is no obligation for us that we monitor information from third parties transmitted or stored, or circumstances that give evidence of unlawful activities. Not affected by this is our obligation to block or remove information, which stems from the general laws. However, we are only liable at the moment when we become aware of a concrete violation of rights. Then an immediate removal of the corresponding content will be carried out.
2. Liability for links
Our website contains links that lead to external websites of third parties, but we have no influence on their content. It is therefore not possible for us to provide a guarantee for these contents. The responsibility for this always lies with the respective provider/operator of the corresponding website. We check the Internet pages linked by us at the time of linking for a possible infringement of the law in full. However, without a concrete indication, we cannot be expected to constantly monitor the content of the linked websites. However, if we become aware of a violation of the law, we will immediately remove the corresponding link, we can do that.
3. Copyright
The contents contained on our website are, as far as possible, protected by copyright. Written permission must be obtained from the creator for anyone who reproduces, edits, distributes or uses the content. The downloading and copying of our website for both private and commercial use must be authorized by us in writing. We would like to point out that we had at all times respected the copyright of third parties with regard to the contents on our Internet site, insofar as they were not created by us. If you would inform us that you have nevertheless found a copyright infringement, we would appreciate it very much. Then we can remove the relevant content immediately and would thus no longer infringe copyright.
4. Privacy
Our website can be used regularly without providing personal data. If such data (e.g. name, address or e-mail) should be collected nevertheless, this happens, voluntarily or only with explicit approval by you and by us to hide. The transmission of data on the Internet is fraught with security vulnerabilities. It is therefore possible that third parties gain access to this data. Complete protection is not possible, although it is laudable. At this point, we object to the use of our contact data to send us unsolicited advertising/informational material/spam mails. Should this nevertheless happen, we would have to consider legal action.
Sample imprint from the Flegl Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Mibö Prüfmotoren Technik Teile GmbH
Walterscheid-Müller-Str. 5
53797 Lohmar
Tel.: +49 (0) 2246 9486850
Fax: +49 (0) 2246 9486852